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N. Cyprus

Official name: Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus
Founded in: July 1974
Capital: Lefkosa (Nicosia)
Official language: Turkish
Area: 3300 km²
Population: 450,000 people
Density: 88 people / km²
Currency: Turkish lira, TRY
Phone code: (+90 392)
Internet domains: .tr

Study in North Cyprus Universities / Application Form

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Education in North Cyprus

Perhaps there is no person who has never heard of such a magical place like Cyprus at least once in his life. This island has a wonderful climate, rich history, cultural heritage and high-quality higher education. Today in Northern Cyprus there are many universities where almost one hundred thousand students from various countries study, and this number is growing rapidly every year. Since training for foreigners in Northern Cyprus is conducted in English, applicants must speak this language at a sufficiently high level.The educational process allows you to get acquainted with the Western education system, which has a lot of positive aspects. Schools have close ties with universities in England, Germany, France, Poland, etc. All universities in Northern Cyprus are accredited by the Ministry of Education of Turkey and recognized worldwide. There are more than 7 universities on this wonderful island. All universities have well-built campuses, all the conditions for learning and living are created.This place attracts the quality of education, and its excellent weather conditions. The climate on the island is temperate, in winter the temperature is about + 10-15 degrees. The price of real estate is constantly growing due to high demand. Especially the apartments prices near the sea, which are rented all year round. In addition, you can also consider the villa, if finances allow.Higher education institutions in Cyprus have signed agreements with universities in other countries. One of these universities is considered the Cyprus International University in Lefkosa (Nicosia). Thanks to agreements with numerous high schools, it is possible to obtain a second certificate of qualification. This is a wonderful opportunity without losing time and finances to get 2 diplomas of higher education. For example, you can start in Cyprus, after the 3rd course continue the 4th course in France at an economic university, and in the end get 2 diplomas - Cyprus and French.

The capital is the city of Lefkosa (Nicosia). Fully functioning airport called Ercan. All flights to the island are carried out through the cities of Turkey, such as Ankara, Istanbul, Izmir, Adana, Antalya, etc. There are a lot of unexpansive flights and tickets, so you can always and easily flight anytime. The official currency in the country is the Turkish Lira. Residents speak Turkish and English. On the roads right-hand traffic. The main income is tourism, there are many cafes and restaurants on the sandy beaches, hotels of different levels are located nearby. On the territory of the country you can find a lot of banks, and you can always receive, or send money to any country in the world.

Why Study in North Cyprus?

Northern Cyprus High Schools offer tuition in English and Turkish. The whole educational process is organized at the highest level. Foreign students have the right to work in their free time. This advantage is used by many visitors to get experience of communicating with different people of the island and earn money on expenses.

The benefits of education in North Cyprus for foreigners:

• Studying at universities in Northern Cyprus is built on modern European standards, so this is an excellent opportunity to receive an advanced education at a reasonable price;
• University diplomas of Northern Cyprus are recognized by the countries of the European Union and the United States, so after training you can easily get a job in an international company;
• Large selection of specialties in universities, which will allow you to get the desired higher education;
• Cyprus is a safe tourist island, so there will be no problems with living here;
• Citizens of other countries are educated in Northern Cyprus in English, so this is a great opportunity to improve their foreign language skills, and therefore feel comfortable in any country in the world.

Higher education in Northern Cyprus is a storehouse of opportunities for foreigners, because graduates of universities in Cyprus get diplomas that are listed all over the world and give the right to be employed in leading international companies and organizations. A huge number of words can be written about the benefits of higher education in Cyprus. But we tried to highlight the most important details that will help and give you the right point in choosing a university and a country of study.

Tuition fees in Northern Cyprus TR

To attract and increase the number of students from other countries, universities offer 50% grants, discounts if from one family there’s two students, you can also get discount if you have a certificates in international and local competitions. All these actions motivate foreigners, and they submit numerous applications for grants and discounts. Universities offer to choose a full tuition package, which includes the cost of study, accommodation, three meals per year, medical insurance. When paying for such packages, annual expenses are reduced by 2 or 3 times. You can pay separately for tuition, accommodation, etc. But this is what foreigners do if they have a place to live on this island. As practice shows, the first year all foreigners prefer the full package of training.The most expensive specialties are of course medical directions, as in all countries. The rest of the specialty have reasonable prices given the conditions and quality of education. The quality of education in English does not differ from European universities. Citizen of the area speak excellent English.Allowed to pay 2 times for training. You can transfer the payment from abroad, or pay the bank upon arrival. The currency of tuition is Euro. The minimum tuition fee is 1,400 euros per year. Every university offers a unique discount system every year. You can get a discount on studies while studying for academic achievement, or by representing the university in sports competitions. There are many opportunities, the main thing is to learn and be different while studying. Some students receive up to 100% discount on tuition, and during their studies they pay only for room and board. Students can get such a unique opportunity by enrolling in the institutions of higher education in Northern Cyprus.

Northern Cyprus Universities TR

The number of higher education institutions is growing every year. On the island, about ten universities fully function. All of them offer tuition in English. Some universities opened as branches of well-known universities, and the rest as independent universities. Schools have a huge infrastructure, which includes modern buildings for faculties, comfortable dormitories, a large library, sports halls, swimming pools, cafes, football stadiums and much more. All conditions for comfortable learning and development. Foreign students with great pleasure to use the proposed packages of 3 meals a day. Gyms and swimming pools are favorite places after school.One of the recognized universities in the country is the Cyprus International University. This university combines quality, reasonable tuition and international recognition. The number of foreign students is growing annually. There are too many factors for this growth. The CMU motivates foreigners who have certificates with the highest marks, diplomas from international sports competitions, or have high rates in state exams for admission, etc. In addition, during the whole course of study, foreign students have the opportunity to receive up to 100% discount on the cost of education, having high rates in studies and discipline. The university participates in international exhibitions every year and proudly presents its curricula and opportunities. Due to bilateral agreements, double diploma programs are in place. In the list of university partners, you can see many famous universities from Europe and America.

  Another university that deserves attention is the University of the Middle East in Lefkosa. In this university medical specialties are offered such as General Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy and others. This university has a beautiful library and the largest swimming pool on the island. Among the popular faculties you can specify tourism, economics, oil and gas, architecture, design, art, film and TV, computer specialties, foreign languages, translation, philology and many other educational programs.Several educational institutions are located in the city of Girne, near the capital. The University of Aviation and Maritime, American University of Girne and many such universities. There are also universities in the city of Famagusta. With the increase in requests, the number of training schools on the island is growing.Many universities of the country have their own paid secondary schools. Training is conducted in English. There are many native speakers among the teachers. The quality of training at a high level. After school, you can easily enroll not only in universities in North Cyprus, but also in America and Britain.

Student visa - Transit Visa

Northern Cyprus is interested in tourists and foreign students, and therefore a visa is not required to come to this country. There are certain periods of stay on the island, depending on the purpose of arrival. All flights to North Cyprus take place through the airports of Turkey. For arrival in C. Cyprus a transit visa is required if you need a visa to enter Turkey. Citizens of countries that have the right to come to Turkey without a visa may not receive transit visas through Turkey for flights to Northern Cyprus. And if you need to get a transit visa, you need an invitation from the university and an international passport. You will receive a visa at the Turkish Embassy in your country. The procedure is not complicated; you need to have all the necessary documents.How to get an official invitation from the universities of Northern Cyprus? To do this, use the services of the site and easily arrange this invitation. Our staff will be happy to help you fill out an application and ensure timely submission of documents.
Several countries whose citizens have the right to come to Northern Cyprus without a transit visa: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Russia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Tunisia and others.

For visa countries obtaining a transit visa is not difficult. For example, a Pakistani citizen who wants to enroll in universities in Northern Cyprus must first receive an invitation from the university, then pay for the university payment, and then receive a document of enrollment and come with a passport and with this document to the Turkish Embassy and receive a transit visa through the territory of Turkey for the flight to Cyprus.In any case, before arriving to study you need to issue an invitation to study with the university. In the invitation will be information about the faculty, the cost of training and other useful information. After receiving the invitation, you will be sure that you will enter the desired faculty. And after paying through the bank the amount indicated on the invitation, you will receive a document of enrollment to the university.

Faculty of Tourism in North Cyprus

The temperate climate, the sea, beaches and much more in Cyprus attracts many tourists every year. Vacationers come all year round, because in winter the lowest temperature is +14 +15 degrees. You can swim in the sea until November. Taking into account all these factors, it is possible to say with confidence that Cyprus is a unique place for assigning this specialty and a great opportunity to gain vast experience in the field of tourism. Universities have close links with hotels on the island. International students do internships in these hotels, and after the first year they can get a job in their free time after study. What could be better than working and studying?

Universities offer two specialties: tourism and hotel management. These faculties are overcrowded, and the number of applicants is growing every year. Here prices are significantly lower than studying in the big cities of Turkey, and accommodation is cheaper compared to Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, etc. For example, we can say that the cost of living and 3 meals a day in Istanbul is at least $ 500-700 per month.
A graduate of a Cypriot university can easily find work in the field of tourism in Cyprus and Turkey. Given the fact that Turkey is one of the leading countries in the world in terms of the number of tourists, it is not difficult to understand the need of hotels for qualification specialists. Training is offered in two languages: English and Turkish. Tuition is the same, but more willing to learn English. This desire can be understood because English is the international language of communication.By choosing Cyprus for this profession, you will make the right choice for the future. All educational institutions in Cyprus offer tourism programs, because there is demand for this. But, in any case, we recommend choosing a prestigious rating university.

Medical Specialties in Northern Cyprus

Medicine is a priority for international students around the world. Due to the huge number of people willing to enroll in medical universities abroad, it is not difficult to imagine a high competitive selection for admission to the faculties of medicine, dentistry, pharmaceuticals. In connection with this need, educational institutions are trying to open and offer medical specialties. Universities of Cyprus is no exception. Not all educational institutions of the island can offer these faculties. You can specify about 3 universities from the list. The most famous is the Middle East University, which has its own modern hospital, which is also the largest on the island. The university hospital is equipped with modern equipment, bright and clean wards for patients and visitors, security is provided 24 hours a day, and of course highly qualified doctors from around the world are attracted.

  Offered training in Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, etc. Training is offered in English, or Turkish. The cost of education in English is more expensive than in Turkish.The cost of education in Medicine is 12,900 euros per year, dentistry 9100 euros per year, pharmaceuticals 6,000 euros per year. Payment can be made 2 times, on admission and before the start of the second semester. Foreign students are provided with everything necessary for a quality education. English and Turkish courses are offered. Every week, the department invites lecturers from various Turkish and foreign universities to conduct lectures. They share their experiences, read prepared lectures, answer questions from foreign students. Despite the high pay, it is very difficult to get into these faculties due to the large number of applicants.The geography of the faculty is very extended. You can meet students from Poland, Bulgaria, Germany, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Ghana, India, Pakistan, Tanzania, Jordan, etc. The international recognition of Cypriot diplomas annually attracts thousands of people from different countries of our planet. Students are satisfied with the quality of education and living conditions on the island.

Faculty of Computer Science in Northern Cyprus

Our days it is very difficult to imagine any enterprise without a computer or an official website on the Internet. These seemingly primitive factors require programming knowledge, basic knowledge of basic programs such as Word, Excel, and other office applications. Government agencies, large private companies are introducing advanced technology solutions to facilitate customer relations and image. In recent years, large firms began to create their official mobile applications for placement in the Play Store and the Apple Store. We also started ordering mobile and tablet versions of our electronic resources on the Internet. Now the majority of Internet users are looking for the necessary information and submit online applications via the phone. Therefore, this nuance forced enterprises to think about mobile applications and versions of sites. The demand for faculty has grown software at times. Experts are sorely lacking.

You will make the right choice if you choose universities in Northern Cyprus for these specialties. Excellent quality of education in English. Universities have allocated separate academic buildings for effective practical training. The most powerful computer (Supercomputer) is located at the Middle East University. In terms of measuring speed, he is the 13th in the world. Many international studies are conducted using this equipment.Among the popular specialties we can specify computer science, software, information technology, systems engineering, computer engineering, etc. Students have the opportunity to use computers with Internet access in all classrooms of the academic building. All the necessary literature is in the online format. And if you need additional books, you can visit the huge library of universities.Most students of computer faculties from the 2nd course begin to work remotely, performing different orders for the creation and maintenance of websites, mobile applications, the development of programs for different purposes and much more. If you choose a university on the island, you only need to love your specialty and study. And the quality of educational programs introduction of modern solutions in the educational process are guaranteed by the higher educational institutions of this beautiful island!

Double degree programs

Cypriot universities are unique in high-quality education, international recognition, they also offer to continue their studies in Europe and in the end get 2 degrees. Proposals for double degrees are many students. Thus, the student receives 2 diplomas and pays much less for tuition. Studying in Europe is very expensive, and not all students have the opportunity to pay 8,000 - 10,000 euros per year for tuition. Start your studies in Cyprus, and after the 3rd year, continue the last course in Europe and as a result you will receive 2 diplomas of higher education. For example, students of the Cyprus International University study for 3 years at the Faculty of Management, and last year can continue in France, in the city of Paris, at the University of Paris School of Business. Upon graduation, 2 diplomas are issued - one from a French university, the second one from Cyprus. For example, you can also specify the European Business School. Such programs exist not only with French universities, but also with Italian, Spanish, English, Polish, German, etc. This offer can be used by those students who have a good knowledge of the language and balls in their studies. There are more and more offers on 2nd diplomas every year. Universities expand their capabilities and international recognition and thereby attract a huge number of foreign students to Northern Cyprus.

How to enroll in universities in Northern Cyprus?

Admission to universities abroad requires compliance with the conditions for admission. Each university, depending on the country of residence, requires the implementation of procedures before admission. You need to know the full list of documents, the conditions for admission to the desired faculty, the date of filing, etc. Higher education institutions in Cyprus are no exception in this matter. Foreign students are accepted to study 2 times a year. The main enrollment of students is made in the fall.Future nonresident applicants can directly contact the university, or contact the official partner of Cyprus universities for the recruitment of foreign students “FD Education”. To submit documents directly to the university, you need to find the contacts of the relevant department, and contact by e-mail or by phone. They will explain the admission procedure, tell you what documents are needed for admission and how to send them. After submitting the documents, you receive an official invitation from the school. Buy tickets, and again contact the universities in Cyprus in a convenient way for you, and communicate about meeting at the airport.And when entering through FD Education, our consultants draw up an invitation, arrange a meeting at the airport, etc. You only need to contact our consultants. In the "Contacts" section, you can find phone numbers, email address. Trust the professional’s paperwork.
Before entering, you can request a discount on training on the site If you have good performance on exams, or have a certificate of proficiency in English, you can also apply for a discount. Our consultants review your application, and with approval you get a discount and pay less than other students. It is a lot of offers, it is necessary to use.

North Cyprus Accommodation

To be in Cyprus, to have the opportunity to live and study on the island is everyone’s dream. Given that the island has 300 sunny days a year and a temperate climate, it is not difficult to understand the desire to come and live in Cyprus. Each university has a huge campus with all the necessary infrastructure. There are many hostels of different levels on the territory of educational schools. From rooms where 6 people live and to luxury apartments. You can even find apartments for couples (students). Each floor has a large kitchen, showers, toilets and more. Boys and girls live in separate hostels. The entrance to each building is guarded 24 hours a day. Most visiting students choose to live in a university dormitory. They are located on the territory of the university, and it is very convenient. The minimum cost of hostels is 1000 euros per year.Some students rent apartments, apartments. The cost of renting apartments is much higher than the cost of a hostel. The apartments are mainly located in the city center. To do this, you can contact the real estate agency in North Cyprus, or search on the site ads for renting apartments. Nonresidents can choose apartments for every taste. Prices vary depending on the number of rooms, condition of repair, location and amount of furniture, household appliances. The minimum cost of renting an apartment is 350 euros per month.A lot of visitors prefer not to pay rent for 4-5 years, and buy property in Northern Cyprus. On the island you can buy 1 bedroom apartment with repair from 40.000 euros, or a villa from 100.000 euros. When buying a property you need to take into account numerous factors. Starting from location to verification of documents. There are some taxes on the purchase and sale. New houses are built annually, and therefore there are enough offers on the island.  Most importantly, international students are provided with accommodation in Cyprus.

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Benefits of Study Abroad

Benefits of Study Abroad

Studying abroad can be one of the most beneficial experiences for a student. By studying abroad, students have the opportunity to study in a foreign nation and enjoy the appeal and culture of a new land. It may be a high priority for some, and for others it is a real challenge. Like everything else, it has many advantages and many disadvantages too.   However, the value of the advantages of the student studying abroad and the reflected academic, cultural, educational and career development cannot in any way be compared to some of the negative aspects that can be exposed to it, which often have effective solutions.   Here is a list of the top 5 reasons for you to study abroad:

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